Transport of the deceased from England to Poland

Good knowledge of the English language and legal regulations in the British Isles make the transport of the deceased from England by our company a guarantee of a reliable service. For years, our employees have been safely and reliably bringing the bodies of our loved ones to the country. Most often, our employees go to: Birmingham, Bradford, Edinburgh, Glasgow or London.

Formal conditions for the transport of deceased from England to Poland

In order to transport the body of a deceased person to our country, a set of documents must be submitted:

In addition, in the case of:

Coffin Transport:

  • a medical certificate (Free From Infection) that the death was not related to an infectious disease, in case the cause of death is not indicated on the death certificate;)
  • a certificate from the funeral director responsible for transport that the body was placed in a metal coffin with a layer of absorbent material at least 5 cm thick at the bottom, and that the metal coffin was carefully soldered and placed in a wooden box in such a way that it could not move in it ;

Urn Transport:

  • Cremation certificate;
  • A certificate from the funeral home that the ashes have been placed in a sealed, damage-resistant container and only the ashes of the designated person are in it.

Body transportation time from England to Poland

2-3working days



2-4 days


Formalities related to the organization of the necessary permits and documentation in the vast majority of cases take up 2-3 working days. The transport itself is additional 2-4 days (including public holidays). Therefore, we make every effort to ensure that the family can say goodbye to the deceased loved one as soon as possible and accompany him on his last journey.

Documents to download

In order to transport a coffin or urn to Poland in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, a set of necessary documents must be prepared. Among them are forms that allow us, as a company, to start the whole procedure. Please read them, complete them carefully and send them to us.

Body transportation procedure from England to Poland

  1. Prepare basic information about the deceased person, such as name, surname, address, marital status, time and place of death;
  2. Check whether you or someone in the immediate family has access to the deceased person's documents such as birth certificate, marriage certificate, death certificate of the spouse, court judgment confirming divorce (if any);
  3. Contact us by phone at +48 608-135-247;
  4. Send us by e-mail (scan or photo) a set of necessary documents, which we will discuss in detail during the telephone conversation
  5. Accept the sent cost estimate and send by e-mail (scan or photo) the signed contract along with the agreed scope of our services and price;
  6. Wait for the implementation of the service (we will keep you informed of any action we take)
  7. After the transport service is completed, we will prepare the necessary documents enabling authorized persons to collect the funeral allowance from ZUS or KRUS (fixed amount: PLN 4,000)

How does the transport of deceased look like?

Transport of the body from England to Poland is carried out overland. The corpses are transported by a specialized hearse that meets a number of legal and sanitary requirements. Each of our cars is equipped with a cooler and protection against sliding of the coffin or urn. In order to respect the dignity of the deceased, we also ensure that the driver's cabin is permanently separated from the part intended for the placement of deceased or human remains.

  1. After accepting and signing the contract and sending scans of the necessary documents, our employee leaves for the place where the body of the deceased person is located and collects the original documents from the nearby offices to continue the procedure of bringing the corpse from abroad.
  2. Next, our employee goes to the previously indicated place (usually a morgue) to collect the body and ensure that it is properly prepared for the journey.
  3. Upon your request, we take a photo of the body so that you can be sure that the coffin contains the designated person. (The service is free of charge, you receive the photos on the SIM card)
  4. Before leaving the country, the Employee dealing with your case performs consular clearance at the Consulate appropriate for the place of residence of the deceased person.
  5. Prior to the scheduled departure, the Family is informed (by email or telephone) of the exact route selected and the scheduled time of arrival at the designated location within our country.


Transporting a body from England to Poland is a cost:

6,500 - 9,900 PLN

For an accurate quote, please call us at +48 608-135-247

Our offer includes:

Where to find more information?

The most reliable sources of information on body transport from England are: government website and applicable in Poland Act of 31 January 1959 on cemeteries and burial of the dead

You can also try to get the information you need from Embassy of the Republic of Poland in the United Kingdom.